Sweet Forbidden Love
With Second Chance Love done and released. I am now working on the next Book. You will get a very small window about it in Second Chance...
Book Three is OUT
For everyone that has been waiting for the next story line. Well its here I have a button to link you to the page.
Giving Thanks
As another year passes and we reflect on one of the most heart breaking things. We stop and give our thanks to the brave men and women of...
Has the hot days of summer slowly slip by, some of us are getting our kids ready for the coming school year. Lets that a moment to think...
Summer Time
As we all know summer is half way over. Many are in the middle of vacations and many are just about to start. Being a writer I write from...
The fight for Justice
As the 4th of July is almost here and we think of BBQ, firework and having the day off. Let us not forget that it comes with a price. One...
Being The Mom they need
We all have those great childhood things. If we think about them what are they. Is it a birthday or a holiday. As child we never think of...
Words that hurt
The old sayings "Stick and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me" We all have heard that saying. The question is does...
How to have a good relationship with you partner
What does it take to make a good relationship. Some say that its being communication is a the way to go. How many would agree with that.
I wrote in Shattered about PTSD, many think that its only for soldiers coming back from action. The sad facts are that it can and has...