Giving Thanks

As another year passes and we reflect on one of the most heart breaking things. We stop and give our thanks to the brave men and women of 9/11. I think back as I too was shocked by the events that happened. I have to calm my daughter that was scared and worried they the same thing would happen here.
We all sat around and watched as what we never could image to happen, did. We watched as the towers fell first one and then the another. We cried as a nation for the lost of lives and the people that try to help.
We stood together as a nation to help find anyone that might have survived. We comfort those that were missing loved ones. We asked questions as to how this could happen here. Most of us thought we were safe here at home from terrorism.
As the days stretched, there was an odd quiet in the sky, as no planes were allowed over U.S. air space. We as a nation had become lazy and arrogant. That the great United States of American is untouchable, we watched as that dream would shatter.
We talk about the towers, but there were two other acts of terrorism. The pentagon also attacked too, and many lost their lives as well. There was flight 93 and the many that stepped up to stop this senseless act. We heard as many made their last call to love ones. Some are leaving messages some that were able to say their goodbyes.
We hold ceremonies to honor the die and remember that day. We all were touched by what happened that day. Many will say that we brought this on our self's with the war on terroism that we have been fighting.
The facts might never come out as to the real reasons. We need to remember and keep watch for Freedom is not free. The men and women that are fighting each and everyday need our support.
Support in understanding as they came home from the horror they have seen. To the damage of body, mind, and spirit they might have seen.
Have we not learned that lesson from the men and women that serviced in Vietnam and the problems they faced. I write from the fact that my late husband was a Vietnam vet. They came back from severing their country to hate, from the people of the U.S. We need to step up and take care of all that sever this county and make sure they have the tools to be able to become productive people here at home.
I asked as a mom, grandma, and a U.S. citizen that we all need to fight for the freedom we have here. If only to support thoughts that are over there and doing the fighting. To the men and women here that help to keep our county safe from this ever happening again. Please stand with me and give thanks for all that they give us and also give up.